PBEM Games

This page is dedicated to the PBEM games. If you want to be listed as a PBEM player below then send me a mail. If you have never played an UV PBEM game, here is a small reminder of how it works ...

Uncommon Valor PBEM ladder are hosted by :


Name E-mail Skill Prefered Scenario/side Comment/Available
Alexandre Fenelon afenelon@zaz.com.br  N/A N/A  
 Spooky marc_balasko@libertysurf.fr Average ? #17 Allies or Japanese Available for 1 or 2 game
Harvey Denison hd86@earthlink.net Good (updated 01/15/03) #17/Allies Avail: will not quit
U2 daniel.patocka@swipnet.se Master #17 / Allies Show me the money
Zach LaRue zlarue@hotmail.com  Average #17/Japanese 1 turn/day (weekday), 4-6 turns/day (weekend)
 Bruce Sorensen bruce1812@hotmail.com
Average   Scenario #17, either side ok  1 turn a weekday, more on weekends 
Ralf Henne pbem.uv@nord-com.net Good #17,19/either Game-options as historical, except japanese sub doctrine
Drexel Ringbloom
At least one to two turns a day
André Demeocq
The long ones - either side ok
Game-options as historical, except japanese sub doctrine
IceBoy (alias Tanaka) (new)
risingsun_jintsu@yahoo.com Average
Scen 17 as Japanese side
James Merson (new) jrmerson@attbi.com
Beginner No Preference 1-2 turn a day weekday
3-4 a day weekend
Jack Lay (new) joliverlay@pgtc.com
Allied   17/19
Anthony Navare (new)

At least a turn a day, 2-3 turns on the week-ends
Mark Toney (new) mtoney@cfl.rr.com or marktoney2003@yahoo.com Beginner
Japanese or allied makes no difference can do 1 to 2 turns every other day and weekends are unlimited.
Michael A Johnson (new) decourcy2@chartermi.net Average
Scenario 17 or 19, own a "modified" version of scenario 17 (arrival times of ground units fixed)

Jack Littlewood (new) john.littlewood@onetel.net
Any Scenario
Any side
