PBEM Reminder

How UV PBEM works !

1st Japanese turn: Japanese player enters password, gives orders, ends turn, saves game (to whatever number that was decided upon for the PBEM game). The save game will look like this : uvXXX_YYY_date.uvs with :
XXX is the slot number (ie : 16)
YYY is the name of the game (ie : Spooky vs Mario)
date : the date of the savegame (ie : 07_07-42)

1st Allied turn: Allied player loads the saved game received from the Japanese player. Allied player enters password, gives orders, ends turn, saves game. Then Allied player sends the save file to the Japanese player.

Subsequent Japanese turn: Japanese player enters password, gives orders, ends turn, saves game. Then Japanese player sends both the save-game file and the Combat Replay ("uv001_CombatSave.uvs_date")  to the Allied player.

Subsequent Allied turn: Allied player loads the "Combat Replay" file received from the Japanese player, watches the replay, then loads the save-game file. Allied player enters password, gives orders, ends turn, saves game. Then Allied player  sends the save-game file to the Japanese player.

Original text by Rowlf

Updated for the v2.3 patch by Spooky
